Difference between revisions of "1.8.1 Update"

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(1.8.1 Update)
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Revision as of 13:27, 28 December 2023

Released December 14, 2021 on Steam & GOG. Read full news post on the Foundation blog. See Changelog for other changes.

1.8.1 Changelog


  • Add: Resource tracker (resource icons are shown above entities when right-clicked in info module)
  • Add: Resource tracker windows open entity panels
  • Add: Resource tracking button in the book (resources list)
  • Add: Shortcut from resources in info module to book
  • Add: Resource row highlight in the book
  • Add: Ready-to-build bundles are now shown in construction progress bars
  • Improve: Construction and Bailiff progress bars are no longer shown behind prioritize and cancel buttons
  • Improve: parts list and jobs ordering
  • Fix: color when conditions are met from green to gold (quests)
  • Fix: missing tooltip on delete savegame button
  • Fix: buildings generating resources have duplicated descriptions
  • Fix: missing localization on Controls window title
  • Fix: crash after building the Village Center is the Build menu was already opened
  • Fix: if there is at least one incomplete part in a multi-part monument when a reload is performed, all the parts that were previously completed will turn invisible (monuments)
  • Fix: walls disappear upon reload
  • Fix: Market Goods and Luxury tables are not unlocking
  • Fix: crash when building a village center
  • Fix: crash no crane on mineral deposit
  • Update: community localizations
  • Update: rename good and luxury market stall part set category


  • Expose single-property types
  • Fix: crash when spawning immigrant with job
  • Update: modding documentation