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Revision as of 21:06, 8 February 2024 by HoubkneghteS (talk | contribs) (Markets can also sell meat)
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The market is a modular building in Foundation.

Market Food Stall.pngA single food stall.
Workers1 (per stall) Serf
Construction Requirements
Running Costs


The primary source of daily goods for villagers, which satisfy their food and goods needs from. The market itself is modular and in theory the number of stalls is unlimited, but as a village grows multiple markets dispersed throughout the village will ensure the widest coverage of access.



Initially the only stall available is the food stall, but as they are promoted to serfs, the goods stall will become available, then luxury goods as commoners become available.

Stall Stocks Required Materials Construction Cost Maintenance Cost Accessed At
Food Stall  Berries
 Wood (10) - 5 On building availability
Goods Stall  Common Clothes  Wood (10) 50 10 1 Commoner
Luxury Goods Stall  Jewelry
 Wood (10) 150 25 1 Citizen

All decorations are available from the outset with the exception of the Goods Stall and Luxury Goods stall signs, which will become available alongside their corresponding stalls.

Decoration Required Materials Cost Maintenance Cost Splendor
Red Tent  Wood (10)
 Cloth (5)
50 10 2
Blue Tent  Wood (10)
 Cloth (5)
50 10 2
Green Tent  Wood (10)
 Cloth (5)
50 10 2
Food Stall Sign - - - -
Goods Stall Sign - - - -
Luxury Goods Stall Sign - - - -
Barrels  Planks (1) - - -
Bench  Planks (1) - - -
Fence  Planks (1) - - -

Workers Preview