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The church is the second service building in Foundation.



Building Parts

Functional Parts
Part Name Description Materials  Gold Coins  Splendor  Maintenance Cost
Core  Polished Stone (25)
 Stone (25)
 Planks (10)
 Tools (5)
50 4 75
Door  Stone (5) 0 - 0
Big Tower  Planks (5)
 Tools (5)
 Polished Stone (5)
0 1 20
Small Tower  Planks (5)
 Polished Stone (5)
 Stone (5)
0 1 10
Round Tower  Stone (15)
 Tools (5)
 Polished Stone (5)
0 2 15
Extension A  Polished Stone (10)
 Stone (10)
 Planks (5)
 Tools (2)
0 2 50
Extension B  Polished Stone (10)
 Stone (10)
 Planks (5)
 Tools (2)
0 2 50
Part Name Description Materials  Gold Coins Cost  Splendor  Maintenance Cost
Gargoyle  Stone (10)
0 0 0
Cross  Polished Stone (1)
 Tools (1)
50 0 0
Stained Glass  Stained Glass (1) ( Glass (10) +  Tools (5) 50 2 0
Arch  Stone (5)
 Polished Stone (5)
 Tools (10)
0 0 10