Territory is the range of the map which you own. It defines the area in which buildings can be constructed, zones defined and villagers can work within. Territories are shaped and sized differently based on the natural terrain and the resources available in that territory.
Managing Territory
On starting a new game, one of a number of starting territories must be selected. You can only select territories that have the necessary starting resources berries and stone available. This selected territory will effectively become the 'centre' of the village.
You can obtain new territories in the territory menu which can be opened by clicking on the flag icon found on the bottom HUD. There you can purchase new territories for the cost of 125 gold coins. All new territories must be adjacent to an already owned territory. For each territory owned there is an upkeep cost that must be paid monthly and rises per new territory as the village becomes bigger.
You can also abandon territories you own in the territory menu to reduce your upkeep cost. Be aware that this destroys all buildings placed in that territory. You can't abandon territories in a way that would split your territory into multiple part nor can you abandon your starting territory.