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Build UI Icons.gif

Buildings in Foundation are a necessity to growing the village. When starting a new game, the initial buildings, (specifically the village center and builder's workshop) are forced by making them the only buildings available to construct. After these first initial placements, the building tree will open up, with quests that guide towards specific constructions.

Construction of any building begins with the opening the building menu:

From the menu there are two methods of finding the desired building: The Search box in the top right, or the building type filters at the bottom of the menu.

All Filter Icon.png - AllLogistics Filter Icon.png - LogisticsProduction Filter Icon.png - Resource ProductionFood Filter Icon.png - Food ProductionGoods Icon.png - Good ProductionService Filter Icon.png - ServiceAdministration Filter Icon.png - AdministrationDecoration Filter Icon.png - DecorationMasterpiece Filter Icon.png - MasterpieceTransportation Filter Icon.png - TransportationWall Filter Icon.png - WallMod Filter Icon.png - Mods