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Quests in Foundation are a means of expanding the village. Early game quests focus on the establishment of the village, whereas later quests are oriented around resources and obtaining Influence.

Establishment Quests

Establishment quests are the first quests issued and designed to lay the first steps of the village.

Quest Reward
Place a Village Center 500 Gold
Gather your resources
Encourage immigration 1 free territory
Promote your first villagers

Monk and Envoy Quests

Both monk and envoy quests are focused on growth, for a quantity of a specific resource, gold and splendor tokens will be given in return. Regardless of if it is a monk or envoy, each quest offered will allow the choice of completion for kingdom, clergy, or labor, granting tokens for the respective group selected.

Military Quests

A listing of military missions, showing the missions' names, difficulties, and distance.

Military quests become available after constructing a keep. By sending soldiers out on a military mission there is the chance of obtaining coins, resources and special items, such as pikes and blueprints. Each mission has three stages, the second and final stages are optional, however these provide greater returns than just the first stage. As one completes these campaigns, they will unlock more difficult missions with even greater rewards.

Quests can vary in difficilty, time to complete, and the rewards, with more difficult quests requiring more and better trained soldiers but usually also offering better rewards.

End Game Quests

End game quests are planned for release in build 1.9.