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Build UI Icons.gif

Buildings in Foundation are a necessity to growing the village. When starting a new game, the initial buildings, (specifically the village center and builder's workshop) are forced by making them the only buildings available to construct. After these first initial placements, the building tree will open up, with quests that guide further construction towards specific buildings.

Construction of any building begins with the opening the building menu:

From the menu there are two methods of finding the desired building: The Search box in the top right, or the building type filters at the bottom of the menu:

All Filter Icon.png - AllLogistics Filter Icon.png - LogisticsProduction Filter Icon.png - Resource ProductionFood Filter Icon.png - Food ProductionGoods Icon.png - Good ProductionService Filter Icon.png - ServiceAdministration Filter Icon.png - AdministrationDecoration Filter Icon.png - DecorationMasterpiece Filter Icon.png - MasterpieceTransportation Filter Icon.png - TransportationWall Filter Icon.png - WallMod Filter Icon.png - Mods

Building Placement

A lumber camp that not yet been placed

Once the building to be placed has been located and selected in the build menu, a blueprint will show in the world under the cursor. The blueprint has 4 key parts:

  • Building visual - shows the position and angle of the building when placed
  • Blue line - the outer boundary
  • Green arrows on the boundary - Access points, blocking these will prevent villagers from entering the building
  • Central arrows - Indicates the current placement activity. The default activity is move/place (arrows pointing in four directions), however, when ctrl is held this will change the movement mode to rotate on the Y-axis.

Beginning a Settlement

Once the initial territory has been selected on the map, the village center must be placed; placing this in the center seems the most logical from an access standpoint early on: all villagers will congregate here while not working so travel to work etc is roughly even. If the resources (berries and stone specifically) are towards the central point, moving the center off the side may be better. Once placed, the initial resources will be supplied:

The second building to place will be the builder's workshop. Strategically at this stage in the game there is no real benefit to placement, unless the plan is to build out in a specific direction. From here the building tree will expand out, giving access to the following buildings:

The objective at stage is to become self sustaining; this means a functioning market selling food and a well for water. Placing a well is sufficient for water, for a functioning market and gathering hut and granary are necessary to gather, then store berries ready for collection by the market.

For the required buildings alone the required resources are:

As can be noted by comparing the original resources and the required resources, there is adequate wood and coins, but stone and planks are not available. In order to get these two resources a stonecutter camp and a sawmill need to be built. These two buildings alone will require 30 wood, 10 stone, 5 tools, 125 gold; this would then deplete the wood supply so a lumber camp would need to be constructed.

To reduce construction bottlenecks and have a continual supply of goods constructing the lumber and stonecutter camps first, then the gathering hut and well will ensure a flow of base resources and partial villager satisfaction. The market and sawmill can then be built together with the granary placed last.

Modular Buildings

Typically modular buildings are large buildings that provide for advanced needs or perform administrative functions. Once constructed they can be further modified and expanded.