1.9.1. Update

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Released December 15, 2022 on Steam & GOG. Read full news post on the Foundation blog. See Changelog for other changes.

Update Notes

  • New: the map generator is now available for everyone! Three topographies are included in this beta version: hills, fluvial and coastal
  • New: resources tooltip details
  • New: loading screen tips
  • Balance: Monastery parts
  • Balance: traded resources
  • Fix: mineral deposits were sometimes unreachable
  • Fix: mineral deposits were sometimes falling into the ground
  • Fix: crane storage was sometimes displaying wrong values
  • Fix: the bonus effect of a Masterpiece only affected the sub-building it was built in. If it was built in the root of the parent building, none would benefit from the effect
  • Fix: when any privilege that modifies an upkeep cost was applied, the modifier only applied to the parent building’s parts and not the sub-buildings’
  • Fix: Lord Manor (Stone Office) had negative Desirability
  • QOL: delivery quest changes
  • QOL: added a yellow highlight when hovering another sub-building from the EDIT tab in the builder window
  • QOL: Bell Tower sound improvement (some large bell towers had the small bell tower sound effect)
  • Modding: couldn’t override TRADE_SETTINGS
  • QOL: updated localizations