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Events are a game mechanic in Foundation that are triggered either randomly or by fulfilling specific conditions. They significantly alter gameplay and require immediate attention.

Annual Fair

An example of a positive status effect caused during a Fair.
An example of a positive status effect caused during a Fair.

The annual fair is an event with both positive and possible negative effects. First an envoy will appear and ask if the player wishes to host a fair for a given resource, such as Bread.png Bread or Fish.png Fish. If the player accepts, there will be a wave of visitors. The time that villagers remain satisfied from food is also reduced by 50%, effectively doubling their food needs.

Depending on the visitors' happiness and if they can obtain the resource in the Market, the visitors will periodically create a positive or negative effect on the happiness of the village.

By the end of the event, the visitors will leave and a reward is given. If not, the visitors will leave with no reward, and in both cases all status effects from the event will remain, but begin to slowly fade.

Bad Weather

The bad weather event brings rainy days to Foundation

Bad weather is a negative event that occurs randomly.

Phase 1: Warning


During this phase, a prompt informs players that the bad weather event is coming.

My Lord, there is a prediction that bad weather is coming. I recommend that we stock as much food as we can whilst the weather is good

Phase 2: Event Start


During this phase, a prompt informs players that the bad weather comes into effect.

Icon Resource Yield Modifier Duration
Berries.png Berries -50% X days
Fish.png Fish +20% X days
Grape.png Grapes -50% X days
Wheat.png Wheat -50% X days

My Lord, as predicted, the sky is falling. I hope we have gathered enough food to live through this period

Phase 3: End


During this phase, a prompt informs players know that the bad weather effect is over and better days are coming.

Behold! The bad weather event is behind us! Things are back to the way they were