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Construction Requirements

The monastery is a religious building in Foundation.


A religious institute that can become a part of the village, monasteries, unlike other buildings, require villagers to be 'conceeded'.

Aside from being a religious center for the monks that live within it, the monastery can produce several goods via the apiary, vineyard and winery which can then be used by the general populace.


Part Name Description Materials Gold Coins.png Gold Coins Clergy Splendor.png Splendor Maintenance Cost.png Maintenance Cost
Abbey A Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (100)
Planks.png Planks (50)
Tools.png Tools (20)
Glass.png Glass (10)
0 3 5
Abbey B Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (100)
Planks.png Planks (50)
Tools.png Tools (20)
Glass.png Glass (10)
0 3 5
Door A Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (10)
Planks.png Planks (5)
Tools.png Tools (5)
0 0 1
Door B Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (10)
Planks.png Planks (5)
Tools.png Tools (5)
0 0 1
Door C Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (10)
Planks.png Planks (5)
Tools.png Tools (5)
0 0 1
Extension A Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (50)
Planks.png Planks (25)
Tools.png Tools (10)
0 2 5
Extension B Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (50)
Planks.png Planks (25)
Tools.png Tools (10)
0 2 5
Extension D Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (75)
Planks.png Planks (50)
Tools.png Tools (10)
0 2 5
Part Name Description Materials Gold Coins.png Gold Coins Clergy Splendor.png Splendor Maintenance Cost.png Maintenance Cost
Tower A Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (50)
Planks.png Planks (25)
Tools.png Tools (25)
0 1 5
Tower B Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (25)
Planks.png Planks (25)
Tools.png Tools (10)
0 2 50
Cloister Center Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (25)
Planks.png Planks (10)
Tools.png Tools (10)
0 0 2
Cloister Corner Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (25)
Planks.png Planks (10)
Tools.png Tools (10)
0 0 2
Cloister Center B Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (25)
Planks.png Planks (10)
Tools.png Tools (10)
0 0 2
Fireplace Polished Stone.png Polished Stone (10)
Planks.png Planks (5)
Tools.png Tools (2)
0 0 2
Cross Tools.png Tools (2) 2 2 1
Part Name Description Materials Gold Coins.png Gold Coins Clergy Splendor.png Splendor Maintenance Cost.png Maintenance Cost
Herb Garden Produces Herbs Stone.png Stone (5) 0 0 0
Decorative Bush Part of Herb Garden - 0 0 0
Decorative Bush Part of Herb Garden - 0 0 0
Vineyard Produces Grapes Tools.png Tools (2)
Stone.png Stone (5)
Planks.png Planks (10)
0 0 2
Winery Produces Wine Tools.png Tools (10)
Stone.png Stone (20)
Planks.png Planks (30)
0 0 5
Apiary Produces Honey and Wax Planks.png Planks (30)
Tools.png Tools (5)
0 0 10

Workers Preview

Monk NunVintner Vinegrower Herbalist.png