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Needs are conditions that must be satisfied to ensure villager from leaving the village and also ensure immigration.

There are 10 needs in total, however, the number of needs each villager has is based on their rank:

Food Need.png - Rustic FoodFood Need.png - Refined FoodWater Need.png - WaterFaith Need.png - ServiceComfort Need.png - ComfortGoods Need.png - GoodsLuxury Need.png - LuxuryFaith Need.png - CloisterFood Need.png - Monastic FoodBeer.png - Entertainment

Satisfying Needs

In order to satisfy needs villagers will need access to goods, services and housing depending on their rank in society. If any of these needs is not met for an extended period of time the village will face a shortage penalty; this additional penalty will persist for an extended period of time after the shortage has been resolved. This additional penalty is akin to a fear of future supply issue and the cooldown is the time taken to reassure the village it has been resolved.

Rustic Food

A requirement by villagers of all levels, this need is satisfied by a market with a stock of any rustic food item.


The only other requirement for all villagers, the need for water is satisfied by having access to a well.


Service becomes a requirement for serfs and above once the village reaches a population of 10. This can be satisfied with the construction of churches.


Comfort is another requirement that comes in with serfs and a population of 10. Comfort is satisfied by the villager having a house of the correct tier for their rank.


Entertainment is required by commoners and above, as well as soldiers and knights. Entertainment can be satisfied when a villager visits a Tavern.


Goods are a requirement for commoners and above. This can only be satisfied by having access to common clothes at a market.

Luxury Goods

Luxury goods are requirement for citizens and knights, they can be acquired from the luxury goods stall at the market.

Maintaining Happiness

Villager happiness can be seen generally from the villagers overview on the top UI. Hovering over the face will display what needs are outstanding. If there are adequate supplies or buildings available the villager view in the estates panel can be used to pinpoint who has low satisfaction