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Code Icon Link
barrel Barrel.png Barrel
berry brew Berrybrew.png Berry brew
bread Bread.png Bread
clergy Clergy Influence.png Influence
cloth Cloth.png Cloth
coin Gold Coins.png Gold Coins
flour Flour.png Flour
glass Glass.png Glass
gold coin Gold Coins.png Gold Coins
grape Grape.png Grapes
herbs Herbs.png Herbs
hops Hop.png Hops
iron ore Iron Ore.png Iron Ore
kingdom influence Kingdom Influence.png Influence
labor influence Labor Influence.png Influence
maintenance Maintenance Cost.png Maintenance Cost
meal Meal.png Meal
monastic meal Icon MonasticMeal.png Monastic Meal
polished stone Polished Stone.png Polished Stone
shortbow File:Shortbow.png Shortbow
steel Steel.png Steel
tool Tools.png Tools
water Water.png Water
wine Wine.png Wine
Code Icon Link
beer Beer.png Beer
blueprint Blueprint.png Blueprints
candle Candle.png Candle
clergy influence Clergy Influence.png Influence
clothes Common Clothes.png Common Clothes
common wares Common Wares.png Common Wares
gem Gems.png Gems
gold Gold Bar.png Gold
gold coins Gold Coins.png Gold Coins
grapes Grape.png Grapes
honey Honey.png Honey
iron Iron Bar.png Iron
jewelry Jewelry.png Jewelry
kingdom splendor Kingdom Splendor.png Splendor
labor splendor Labor Splendor.png Splendor
maintenance cost Maintenance Cost.png Maintenance Cost
meat Icon Meat.png Meat
pike Pike.png Pike
quartz Quartz.png Quartz
spear Spear.png Spear
stone Stone.png Stone
tools Tools.png Tools
wax Wax.png Wax
wood Logs.png Wood
Code Icon Link
berries Berries.png Berries
boar Boar.png Boar
cheese Cheese.png Cheese
clergy splendor Clergy Splendor.png Splendor
coal Coal.png Coal
fish Fish.png Fish
gems Gems.png Gems
gold bar Gold Bar.png Gold
gold ore Gold Ore.png Gold Ore
herb Herbs.png Herbs
hop Hop.png Hops
iron bar Iron Bar.png Iron
kingdom Kingdom Influence.png Influence
labor Labor Influence.png Influence
logs Logs.png Logs
marble Marble.png Marble
milk Milk.png Milk
planks Planks.png Planks
sculpture Sculpture.png Sculpture
stained glass Stained Glass.png Stained Glass
sword Sword.png Sword
vegetables Vegetables.png Vegetables
wheat Wheat.png Wheat
wool Wool.png Wool