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Resources are the materials required to sustain and expand the village. Primarily acquired via villagers in their respective workplace, they can also be acquired via trading and quests.


Resources can be split into five categories: food, common goods, luxury goods, weapons and materials. The variety available and needed of each type increases with village growth; new comers and serfs can be satisfied with a single food type and their buildings constructed with wood and stone. Once resources have been obtained, they must be stored in either a granary (food based goods) or warehouse.

The resources available to the village can be seen in the resources overview to the top of the screen. As more become available the first three rows of resources, marked as favourites will be shown by default with the ability to show more my clicking the small plus at the center of the panel's bottom border. Favourites cannot be changed.


Food is a basic necessity required by villagers of all levels. All food types are stored in a granary and acquired by villagers via the market.

Image Name Produced By
  Berries Gathering Hut
  Bread Bakery
  Cheese Cheesemaker
  Fish Fishing Hut

Common Goods

Common goods are required by serfs and upwards. All common goods are the end product of manufacturing and are stored in a warehouse before being taken to market.

Image Name Produced By
  Candle Candlemaker's Workshop
  Common Clothes Tailor's Workshop
  Common Wares Common Wares Worshop