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Villagers are the occupants of the civilization. As the village expands, more villagers will move in through immigration and can be assigned jobs in order to increase production and the variety of goods and resources available.


When starting the village by placing the village center, the civilization will begin with 8 serfs; the second tier of villager. New villagers coming in via immigration will begin at this level.

With each promotion a villager receives they will require additional needs that must be satisfied so that they stay. In turn, the higher the rank the less time they spend working and the more time is spent free to satisfy these needs, effectively reducing daily production.


Once the Manor House has been constructed, the ability to promote villagers is offered from the Mandates tab on the bottom menu. The cost to promote increases for each rank, with the exception of military units who can be promoted for free, but have other conditions tied to their promotions. Before a villager can be promoted their needs must be satisfied.

Essential vs. Additional Needs

Happiness is mandatory in your domain. Every resident has a set of minimum needs that must be met, and a number of optional needs which can be met.

  • Essential Needs: If these needs are not met, the resident will lose Happiness and eventually leave your domain.
  • Additional Needs: These needs are initially optional and contribute to a happiness bonus. However, once a citizen has met an additional need, if they lose access to it, they will lose happiness.


Villagers are residents of your domain that have the "villager" profile. They can have three ranks: Serf, Commoner, or Citizen.

Villager Rank Essential Needs Additional Needs Promotion Cost Gold Coins.png
Serf Water
Rustic Food
Low-Quality Housing
Refined Food
Commoner Water
Medium-Quality Housing
Refined Food (2)

Common Goods
Citizen Water
High-Quality Housing
Refined Food (3)
Common Goods (2)
Luxury Goods (1)
Max. Rank

Villager Needs

  • Water: Like what you get out of a well.
  • Rustic Food: Rustic foods are provided to villagers at market food stalls or the city market. They are berries, fish, and vegetables.
  • Refined Food: Refined foods are provided to villagers at market food stalls or the city market. They are bread, meat, and cheese.
  • Housing: There are three grades of housing: Low-Quality, Medium-Quality, and High-Quality. Each grade of housing has requirements which themselves must be met.
  • Service: The Service need is met by Faith, which is provided by Churches and Chapels.
  • Entertainment: Entertainment is met by Tavern goods (supplied at a Tavern's Service Counter). There are three kinds of Tavern goods: Berry Brew, Beer, and Wine.
  • Common Goods: This need is met by Common Goods provided at market goods stalls: Common Clothes, Common Wares, Candles.
  • Luxury Goods: This need is met by Luxury Goods provided at luxury goods market stalls: Herbs, Honey, Jewelry, and Gems.


Monastics are residents of your domain that have the "monastic" profile, having devoted themselves to service to the faith.

Monastic Rank Essential Needs Additional Needs Promotion Cost Icon does not exist
Novice Water
Rustic Food
Dormitory Housing
Monastic Food
Brother or Sister Water
Dormitory Housing
Monastic Food (1)

Monastic Food (+1)
Prior or Prioress Water
Dormitory Housing
Monastic Food (2)
Cloister Access
Monastic Food (+1) Max. Rank

Monastic Needs

  • Water: Like what you get out of a well.
  • Rustic Food: Rustic foods are provided to monastics at a refectory. They are berries, fish, and vegetables.
  • Monastic Food: Monastic foods are provided to monastics at a refectory. They are simple stew, garnished greens, golden gruel, and robust roast.
  • Dormitory Housing: All monastics reside in dorms of the appropriate gender: men can only live in monk dorms, and women can only live in nun dorms.
  • Service: The Service need is met by Faith, which is provided by Churches and Chapels.
  • Cloister Access: The Cloister need is met by a Cloister facility.


Combatants are residents of your domain that have the "combatant" profile, having enlisted in service to their liege-lord.

Combatant Rank Essential Needs Additional Needs Promotion Cost Gold Coins.png
Militiaman Water
Rustic Food
Low-Quality Housing
Refined Food
Soldier Water
Medium-Quality Housing
Refined Food (2)

Common Goods
Knight Water
High-Quality Housing
Refined Food (3)
Common Goods (2)
Luxury Goods (1)
Max. Rank

Combatant Needs

  • Water: Like what you get out of a well.
  • Rustic Food: Rustic foods are provided to monastics at a refectory. They are berries, fish, and vegetables.


  • ...etc...


Serfs are the primary villagers available to the player. They are able to take on manual labour jobs only within the village.


The next rank up from serfs, commoners can work jobs which a serf can undertake as well as service/skilled labour work. They will also bring more tax revenue than serfs.


Citizens are the highest promotion, and can do more complex production jobs in addition to the jobs that can be done by serfs and commoners.


Main Article: Soldiers

Soldiers work and/or live in the Keep, and can do Missions. They exist in 3 tiers, Militian, Soldier, and Knight, with each rank having more prowess in the missions, but also more luxury needs.


Main Article: Monks

Monks work and live in the Monastery, and can work in jobs there such as the Monastery Garden or Apiary. The tiers are Novice, Brother/Sister, and Prior/Prioress. Monks don't have a desire for luxury, but have their own requirements such as the Cloister in higher ranks.